IP: marlboro-war.net   Port: 7171   Client: 8.6   Host: Virginia, USA (Global)   

We recommend our players to not use auto 1-100 hotkeys on elfbot or very low boost timers on magebot. Otherwise your connection will be limited and might experience lags nor kicks.

The most popular items in the Shop!


Cost: 2000 points
Bought: 1747 times

Cost: 1000 points
Bought: 722 times

Cost: 500 points
Bought: 616 times

Welcome to the Marlboro Shop!

PointsPictureDescriptionSelect Product
2500 Changename (2500 points)
Set a new name to your character instantly.
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EquipmentCustom Outfits
PointsPictureDescriptionSelect product
1000Second Promotion (1000 points)
You need this to use vip items.
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2000Frozen Stone (2000 points)
Evolve your items legend to frozen.
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500Manarune (500 points)
It heals depending on your vocation.
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500Energy Ring (500 points)
It lasts 15 minutes and gives 15% extra mana.
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1000Legend Staff (1000 points)
You see a Legend Staff. It can only be wielded properly by alchemists and biochemists.
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1000Legend Axe (1000 points)
You see a Legend Axe (Atk:260, Def:50). It can only be wielded properly by champions.
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1000Legend Bow (1000 points)
You see a Legend Bow (Range:7, Hit% +15). It can only be wielded properly by archers.
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750Legend Helmet (750 points)
You see a Legend Helmet (Arm:80, axe fighting +5, distance fighting +5, shielding +5, magic level +5, protection earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%).
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750Legend Armor (750 points)
You see a Legend Armor (Arm:80, axe fighting +5, distance fighting +5, shielding +5, magic level +5, protection earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%).
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750Legend Legs (750 points)
You see a Legend Legs (Arm:80, axe fighting +5, distance fighting +5, shielding +5, magic level +5, protection earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%).
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750Legend Shield (750 points)
You see a Legend Shield (Def:100, axe fighting +5, distance fighting +5, shielding +5, magic level +5, protection earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%).
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750Legend Boots (750 points)
Fast Regeneration (300 health / 300 mana sec)
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